Spontaneous Park Visit


Since our youngest son doesn’t have a phone of his own yet, I downloaded the Pokemon Go app for him last week. He asked if we could go walking yesterday evening so that he could play it. I am all for him wanting to get out of the house and away from the TV and computer. This also gave me an opportunity to take some pictures of the thriving community garden at our local park.

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Even though the park is really close by, I have to admit that I am out of shape so I still drove to the park. When we arrived there was some event going on and we ended up parking on the road. I have to admit, when we pulled up, I thought that the crowd was all there for the Pokemon Go craze. I was wrong. We took a tour of the community garden and then the park just cleared out. Except for a few people out for their evening walk, the park was basically empty. It was dusk (about 8:45 pm). Bedtime for most children. For me, it was the perfect time for some picture taking.

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It was a wonderful spontaneous park visit. My son was happy he was able to pick up some balls from the Poke stop (so it’s called) and I was happy I got to practice taking pictures with my camera.

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Do you have any community gardens where you live? Are you or your children into the Pokemon Go craze?

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